Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Campervan adventure in Japan, part 33

Yappari, steam your own meal. Fun thing to do in Beppu. And.... it tastes surprisingly well.

Beppu Hell Ponds. Great destination for this time of the year. 2 reasons: 1) There are far and few visitors in town. 2) It's crisp outside, just hop in one of the many-many hotsprings to warm up.

31 Dec 2023. Reflecting on a succesful and camperful year.

Billie, rental AKA and Alishan.

 Mellow Yellow Autu

We took a business trip to Kitakyushu & Shimonoseki.
Testing and writing a report on a new tourist travel voucher program.

The fishmarket in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi, is famous for fugu.
Aslo known as blow-fish.

The bridge connecting Kyushu to Honsho.
We drove across it and navigated under it a zillion times

Guess,  what's this.......??

Fukuoka in Season's Mood.